How Website Translation Can Help Financial Institutions Win More Traffic?


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"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart." (Nelson Mandela)

As a financial entity, will translation of your web content drives more traffic to your site?


If you believe in the mythical power of English enough to ignore language barriers, then you are very mistaken, and it will cost you.

As a bank or a credit union venturing into new markets, you cannot afford to approach them in a blanket fashion. Yes, they may notice you, but they will disregard you, and you will have zero impact on their purchasing decisions. Website translation will help and is the first strategy in customizing your online approach for international markets (or regional markets that speak different languages like India, South Africa, Nigeria or Singapore)

Related Article: Blunders To Avoid When Translating From Spanish To English

With globalization comes the ever-increasing need to effectively communicate with customers and potential clients who do not speak the same language or share the same culture. That is why financial companies need to customize how they present themselves to their clients according to their geographical codes.

Have you ever done a google search, and the moment you click on a site and find out you cannot read or understand its content, you straight up left that page to look for another whose content was most likely in your native language? Well, many internet users do that all the time.

Since less than 30% of Internet users speak English, failure to translate your web content to your market language means losing out on massive traffic to your website. Today, due to the human need for convenience, our financial lives are managed online. That has shifted brand experience to the digital world. Financial institutions, therefore, have to re-evaluate and prioritize on the online experience they are providing for their customers.

Courtesy: Freepik

A simple act of translating your web content has the power to soar your traffic by up to 47%. But as crucial to business growth as website translation is, it cannot work alone. Financial Institutions, therefore, need to integrate other strategies to ensure the web translation is effective, consequently increasing eyeballs to their sites and ultimately increase their sales. These strategies include

Website Localization

The right web content goes a long way in ensuring your financial website gains tons of traffic. One way of making your content right and fit for your target audience is to ensure that they can read and understand it in the first place as well as relate to it. That is what website localization does.

To optimize your financial website, therefore, we cannot separate website translation from its localization. That is because translation alone will not fetch you the desired results. While it will cover texts and words, localization will go further to adapt your website as a whole to a particular market. It will convert the format as well as the content of your website to make it more linguistically as well as culturally fit for the specific audience.

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For financial institutions to successfully localize, the following aspects need to be localized perfectly-

Product information with details about risks, returns, and taxation
Legal documents – privacy policy, terms, and conditions, waivers
Currency and numbers
Customer support, FAQs

SEO Translation

Just because your website SEO in the original language is working well, does not mean it will rank high when translated. That is why SEO translation is needed.

The ease and speed at which target clients can find the company on search engines is critical too. SEO translation goes beyond translating texts between languages to help your website translation to optimize for SEO in the target region, bringing you additional traffic and driving sales.

SEO Localization

Investing in a website generally allows a company to be more visible to the whole online world. Local SEO gives it a more leaned to focus on the local clients and prospective customers, giving them better experience, increasing your lead generation and expanding your bottom line.

Related Article: How App Localization Will Help You Gain Traction

Since keywords tend to vary from country to country, local SEO helps to optimize translated content for the right local keywords. It involves working with human translators rather than machines to deliver optimal marketing messages. Machine translation lacks persuasion and quality crucial in content delivery.

Final Thoughts

How effectively a financial institution communicates with its target audience sets the pace in determining how well it will perform in that particular market. Website translation and further effort to localize websites ensure that financial institutions impact on the purchasing decisions of their target audience. A well-translated website raises consumer awareness for your brand, gets more eyeballs on your website, presents your organization staff as experts, and presents your brand as a solution provider.



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