What Language Is Spoken In Greece



Greek, an independent branch of Indo-European languages has in no doubt, contributed largely to its juicy history and the Western civilization. There are several languages spoken in Greece that have their footprints in this awesome country some of which will be discussed below.

The languages that are spoken by the inhabitants of Greece can be grouped under the various headings;

  • Official Languages

  • Foreign languages

  • Minority languages

  • Regional languages

Official Languages


Greek is regarded as the oldest language that is often used in Europe. Records show that it has existed for about 4,000 years and it is the official language spoken in Greece by over 20 million people residing in the country. This represents about ninety-nine percent of its population.

It is ADVISABLE that if you intend to run a business with the residents of Greece, you must be willing and ready to learn this language. It is also important to use a competent translation service that has deep knowledge about languages spoken in Greece if you need any.

Also Read: What Languages Are Spoken in Greece?

Foreign Languages


This is the main foreign language that is often spoken by over 33% of the country’s population. English is taught as a foreign language in the country’s educational system. Although, it is tough to find someone that speaks English in remote areas because residents of these areas resort to speaking only the Greek language.


French is also one of the most spoken foreign languages in Greece and it is often spoken by about 10 percent of the Greek population.


The Italian language is an offspring of Vulgar Latin often used by the Romans and those under their authority. It is another foreign language that is spoken by 6 to 8 percent of the Greek population.


German is an official language for Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. It is also one of the foreign languages used by a small percentage of the inhabitants of Greece.



Minority Languages


Turkish consists of Rumeli dialects and is spoken by a small population of the country often referred to as Western Thrace which makes up the Greek Muslim Minority. It is said to belong to the Ural- Altaic group


According to the 2001 census, this language is spoken by Albanian immigrants that represent the greater part of minorities in Greece. This language has spread across the board either through ancestry, immigration, or marriage.


It is a New-Indo-Aryan language commonly used by the Kale, the Sinti, Roma, and other occupants in Europe. It is listed among the regional languages spoken in Greece.


This is the only official language of Armenia but has had its grip on other populace like Greece. It is listed among the regional languages spoken in Greece.


A South Slavic language that is often used in Bulgaria and Southeastern Europe. It is also part of the languages used by few persons in Greece.

Also Read: Slavic languages – Definition, List, Origin, History, Similarities

Regional Languages


This language is used among the Greek minority who is based in the borders of Greek


Yevanic is also referred to as Judeo - Greek. This dialect has gone into extinction because the Romaniotes migrated to Israel and the United States. Besides, during the Holocaust – many of the Romaniotes were killed. It is usually spoken by the Romaniotes. 


This dialect is often heard among people residing in Crete. It is assumed to be a living language that has its roots stretched back beyond Ancient Greek.  


This language is divided into three different dialects which include the Propontis, Southern and Northern region and it is spoken by certain people based in the Tsakonia region of Peloponnese.


This language has found its footprints in Greece around the 1920s, although it was initially spoken in Cappadocia. It is now spoken by a very small number of the Greek populace.


Language is one of the most important elements of Greek culture and its best transmitter so it is important to use a competent translation service that has deep knowledge about languages spoken in Greece if you need any.


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